- Ets. Willy Balasse, Rue du Midi 43a-45-45a, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.
Telephone: (+32) 0484 36 13 13
Primarily an auction house but also has a retail store near the Grand'Place in Brussels.
email: albert.michaux@skynet.be
- J. Barefoot Ltd..
Telephone: (+44) (0) 1904 400 648
email: jbarefootL@aol.com
Wrote the book on Benelux revenue stamps.
- WorldStamps.com, P.O. Box 4743, Pinehurst, NC 28374.
Telephone: 910-295-2048
e-mail: info@worldstamps.com
- Numismatique et Philatélique, Rue André Duchscher 12, L-1424 Luxembourg.
Telephone: (+352) 48 17 65
Operates a tiny retail store near Place de Paris in the central train station district of Luxembourg.
- R Schneider Stamps, P.O. Box 978, Iowa Park, TX 76367.
Telephone: 618/975-2099
Fax: 940/213-3596
e-mail: Rschneiderstamps@gmail.com
You can purchase current Luxembourg stamps at face value, and set up a subscription to automatically receive future issues, through the Office des Timbres of the Luxembourg P&T:
Postes et Télécommunications
Office des Timbres
L-2992 Luxembourg
Telephone: (+352) 4088 8840
Fax: (+352) 40 68 68
e-mail: ptofftim@pt.lu
web site: www.philately.lu
The Office des Timbres also operates the new Luxembourg P&T Museum, located in the post office opposite the train station at the corner of Rue d'Epernay and Avenue de la Gare. This museum, which opened on November 23, 1995, includes many philatelic gems and is well worth a visit. It is open from Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00, and on Saturday from 09:00 to 12:00. Admission is free.
Luxembourg Philately
Last updated on August 8, 2024