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Luxembourg Stamps
March 14 | Famous Visitors to Luxembourg -- Goethe, Turner, Hugo, and Liszt |
May 5 | Europa 1977 -- Historic Places |
May 5 | Landscapes -- Esch-sur-Sûre and Ehnen |
May 5 | Medallions -- Notre-Dame Congregation and Louis Braille |
September 15 | Roman Mosaics at Diekirch |
September 15 | International Festival of Wiltz-- 25th Anniversary |
September 15 | Baroque Art |
September 15 | Luxembourg Postage Stamps -- 125th Anniversary |
December 5 | Treaties of Rome -- 20th Anniversary |
December 5 | Protected Plants III (Charity Issue) |
These stamps show portraits of four famous visitors to Luxembourg:
The Europa theme of "historic places" is the subject of these two stamps. The first shows the cradle of old Luxembourg -- the fish market on the crossroads of the Roman consular roads Paris-Reims-Arlon-Trier and Metz-Thionville-Dalheim-St. Vith. The other shows the Adolphe Bridge, completed in 1903, and the headquarters of the European Investment Bank (which now houses the State Savings Bank).
These stamps show landscapes from two picturesque towns in Luxembourg -- Esch-sur-Sûre and Ehnen. Esch-sur-Sûre is in the Ardennes, on a hill located in a tight loop of the Sûre; the remains of its castle date from 927. Ehnen is located on the Moselle River between Remich and Grevenmacher; its origins go back to the 8th century and it still maintains a typically medieval character.
These stamps commemorate the 350th anniversary of the foundation of the Notre-Dame Congregation for the education of young girls (the stamp shows Marguerite de Busbach, who financially supported the formation of the Congregation) and the 125th anniversary of the death of Louis Braille, the inventor of the relief alphabet for use by the blind.
Numerous Roman mosaics have been discovered in the area around Diekirch since the beginning of the 19th century. The one shown on the stamp, the head of Medusa, was found in 1950 when a local road was being widened.
The International Festival of Wiltz was founded in 1952. Its performances takes place in the grand open-air theater adjacent to the castle featuring a monumental double Renaissance style staircase.
Two examples of baroque art in Luxembourg are shown on these stamps -- statues of St. Gregory the Great and St. Augustine, sculpted by Jean-Georges Scholtus in the first half of the 18th century. They are located in the pulpit of the Feulen parish church.
This souvenir sheet honors the 125th anniversary of the issuance of the first Luxembourg postage stamps. The two stamps issued on September 15, 1852, bearing a likeness of Grand Duke Guillaume III, are shown on this sheet.
On March 25, 1957, West Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands signed the Treaties of Rome setting up the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community. Denmark, Great Britain, and Ireland joined this community on January 1, 1973.
The goal of the Treaties of Rome is the political unification of the member countries. Initial achievements were the fusion, on July 1, 1966, of the EEC, EAEC, and the European Coal and Steel Community. On July 1, 1968 a customs union came into effect.
These stamps depict plants that are protected by Luxembourg law in order that they may better survive as the country continues to industrialize: